
Friday, May 14, 2010

Soon to be added upon!
Today my 10th great grandchild will come into the world. (RoseAnne is in labor and expects to deliver her baby boy tonite.) Thinking of the miracle of birth and of the joy that comes at the birth of any child reminds me of some of my experiences in child birth. I was very fortunate in that I gave birth pretty easily. My longest labor was 7 hours and my shortest 3. Valerie, my last child was one of the funniest. I had toxemia so the Dr decided to induce me about 3 weeks early. They started the drip at about 9 am and a couple of hours later I was telling the nurse she had better get the Dr. He had left to go change into his scrubs. Luckily she believed me when I told her the birth was eminent. She hurriedly left the labor room to go get an intern. Before she got back I had to push and out came Valerie . Larry said "what was that?" I said "its the baby." He lifted up the blanket and sure enough there was Valerie. Right at that moment the Nurse and the intern walked in and took over. I think this is proof of Valeries need for privacy. I'm sure she planned her entrance to be as private as possible.

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