
Friday, May 7, 2010

In 1975 we sponsered a Vietnamese family. This picture shows Vo and our three littlest kids. I love this picture of Christine. (Chrissy at the time) Dave and Vic taught Vo english in all their playing. One time they were jumping on the couch and knocking each other off the back of the couch. Vo kept repeating 'nocadom' over and over. We thought it was vietnamese but later we figured out he was just trying to say 'knock ya down'.

At the time we had our family of eight children and the Vietnamese family which consisted of Hao and Hong who were newlyweds, Tung (20)who was a brother of Hao, and Vo (4) and an older sister (16) of Hong. There was also Trung(20) who was unrelated to them. Our house was full and we were supporting everyone at the time as it took awhile for the family to find jobs.
One Sunday when I went to prepare dinner I realized all I had was a few cans of tuna and some bread. I was pondering how that was going to work when there was a knock on the door. There at my door stood a family of angels. They were our neighbors who had felt impressed to share with us. They had their arms full of food and a wagon loaded with home canned fruits and vegetables. We were so grateful to them and to our Heavenly Father who watches over all his children.


  1. The greates photo ever taken! I can't wait to make this into a greeting card someday! hahha

    Love you mom! So excited about your blog!


  2. Best picture ever of Stine!

  3. Wow Mom! I don't think I've ever heard that story about the neighbors bringing you food. That is so awesome! What a great testament to the importance of following promptings!
